Wiser Web Wednesday

Wiser Web Wednesday – a semi-regular link to posts of interest from around the web, by those far wiser than myself:


The Gentleman Stationer
Though we are doing far better than in the past, this is still not an uncommon occurrence in my office either, as I trudge to the secure document destruction bin with a little too much paper:

I take lots of notes on printed copies of PDFs relating to conference calls or meetings in which these documents are being discussed, so at the end of the day, a lot of trees die needlessly because most of this work product isn’t stuff I want to keep around indefinitely. In some cases, I can’t retain it because of confidentiality concerns.

The best summation of one particular use case for the iPad Pro I’ve seen so far:

I can honestly say that in my 10+ years of work life, this is the computer product that I’ve been waiting years for: a legal-pad sized electronic clipboard that has a usable handwriting function.

Now, who has that undeniable business case I can put to my boss and IT?:
Strategic Paper Replacement: the iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil


My Pen Needs Ink
This is a great looking notebook – that deep green is fabulous, and it sounds as though the paper performs in a similar vein.

Definitely one to consider:
Shinola Notebook Journal Review


Ink & Flour
It’s been a little while between bakes on the Ink & Flour blog, though here we see a return with some good-looking tools to kick things off for the new year.

I must admit I’ve been somewhat inspired by the new year tools posts, however not having taken any leave as yet, my current set up is simply what was left over from last year. I am hoping the next couple of weeks off will change that.

In the mean time, if you haven’t already, perhaps start here:
New Year, New Loadout


Science Alert
I think in many ways we (that is, the world) have been lucky to this point, in that despite stories of doom and gloom in the coffee industry in years gone by (much of which go unnoticed by the general public – in which I include myself), to date we have as consumers gone on our merry way.

It’s likely that Indonesia and Honduras’s record-breaking coffee output will dip before Brazil can fully recover from its drought. Add to that the rise in coffee consumption across the globe – particularly in developing markets such as Brazil, China, and India – and we could soon be looking at a situation where demand is outstripping supply.

I cannot help but think one day, perhaps soon, something will indeed make a big ripple in our calm pond:
It looks like a worldwide coffee shortage is inevitable


Almost skipped this link I must admit, as it provides a reminder of the fact I have yet to properly analyse and write up the results of my natural coffee processing experiment of late last year.

The method is increasingly en vogue in coffee growing regions outside of Ethiopia, where progressive coffee producers are thinking outside of the box and, in some ways, getting back to a more ancient method of coffee processing

It can be a little tricky to get right, but the rewards are there:
What Is Natural Coffee? Let’s Find Out From Counter Culture Coffee Expert Tim Hill


The Economist
Technology, among other things, is helping improve the quality and yield of small farms in Africa, which can only be a positive for coffee.

The first benefit is improved productivity. Farmers have been shown how to increase crop yields sharply simply by changing their techniques or switching to better plant varieties. A second is in improving farmers’ access to markets. Progress here is being speeded along by technology. In Nigeria the government has stopped distributing subsidised fertiliser and seeds through middlemen who generally pocketed the subsidies: it reckons that only 11% of farmers actually got the handouts that were earmarked for them. Instead it now directly issues more than 14m farmers with electronic vouchers via mobile phones

Upon reading articles such as these, there is also the constant reminder of how dependent such a large global industry is on so many very poor nations — or at least certain sectors of those nations:
Wake up and sell more coffee


Nick Cho – Medium
The genesis for this may be a chocolate scandal and the slant on coffee, however there are so many valid points here on “authenticity” and how we perceive and embrace that concept, only to turn on those who seemingly betray what is often simply our own perception — and of course our own need to be with the in-crowd.

Trendy is for brands. The human form of trendy is “popular,” in the most high school way you can define it. Popular kids are popular because the other popular kids include you in their peer group. Or is it that the other kids include you because they think you’re popular?

Much more than coffee and chocolate (though I don’t deny that’s a fine combination):
Now That We’ve Got Our Pitchforks Out, Who’s The Mast Brothers of Specialty Coffee?


Back to Work Podcast
You’ll also hear more analysis of the above in a recent episode of the Back to Work podcast, including the hilarious but all too common notion of those who are so “cool”, the next big thing is already “so yesterday” to them:
252: The Chocolate Boys


The Washington Post
I have so much to say on the modern-day office – most of which would simply be a whine, so instead, perhaps a link to some thoughts which in many ways align with my own.

The New Yorker, in a review of research on this nouveau workplace design, determined that the benefits in building camaraderie simply mask the negative effects on work performance. While employees feel like they’re part of a laid-back, innovative enterprise, the environment ultimately damages workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction.

Not suitable for many, too suitable for some:
Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace


Although I am slowly refining and consolidating the apps and processes I use (read: no longer constantly looking around), I’m always interested:
Quiver 3: A Notebook That Adapts to How You Work

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